Amazed is an understatement! I cant think of much words that can really express the inner emotion and experience of my week in Tahiti swimming up close and personal with another world. I always knew it existed and I have spent aloooot of time in the ocean. But this... this was next level and it really struck deep down, my heart is blazing just trying to write about it. Ah it was so freaken good!! In one week I swam with sharks, stingrays, dolphins, and to top off everything... whales. Iv swam with dolphins multiple times now, and they are my favorite animal since forever ago. Iv swam with sharks too in hawaii, and the stingrays on a previous visit to Tahiti. But the whales.... that was a whole new experience and eye opener. I We stayed with my good friend Amber Mozo's aunty Nani (Ocean Inspired) who has been studying marine animals for some 20 years now (specifically dolphins and whales), Kori Garza another girl staying with us has done research on sharks for years now. So it was awesome to talk with them, pick their brain and knowledge, learn things, and become more aware of the ocean and everything in it, the good the bad and the ugly!! It has inspired me in so many ways its almost overwhelming because I dont know what to do or where to start. It has made me so much more passionate about ocean conservation, and even just nature conservation in general. Anyway Ill do my best to share about it all, but to be honest, nothing can really explain such an experience.


Our first day arriving, after catching up on a little sleep and dealing with some jet lag, we were straight out on the kayak to the sandbar meeting Mr Ray and his friends. For years and years they have been coming to this sandbar, and it is beyond amazing! There are alot of tour boats and groups that come here now to swim with them, which is pretty cool in the sense that they get to experience them in their natural environment, and not in captivity. However there are sooo many people sometimes, also there is the slight concern that they hang around here because they get fed, which raises the question of what are they NOT doing somewhere else that they normally would be if they weren't getting fed by boats? Anyway-at first its always a little nerve racking to get in and get close, for obvious reasons.. i mean, Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray. But then they are coming up and flapping on you, swimming and brushing by your legs and in an instant its like there is a relationship, where the fear subsides and respect, amazement and gratitude takes over. Watching them up close, even just the way the wings of the rays flow in the water, or the shark tail sways from side to side-such small movements, but they can move so fast! We swam and played with them almost everyday, and it never got old. 
Life is truly amazing, the people you meet, and the places it takes you. After meeting a few people on our first night on Moorea I ended up on a whale boat the next morning. I have no photos to show for it, and I aint even mad about it! It was something iv never felt or experienced. So spiritual. We saw them breach, and dive, and we floated in the water above and watched as this huge whale, sat and cruised about 15ft below us singing its heart out. Singing which vibrated my entire being. I literally cried in my goggles. I turned on my back, dropped my head back and sank below the surface closing my eyes and just lay there, listening, feeling, thinking. I truly felt like I was in a different world. Like swimming with a dinosaur. To think that something so big exists, makes me think what else is going on down there that we have no clue about. I am so greatful. My heart was so full!

One other morning on our way out to surf, it was so glassy, perfect conditions, and breathtakingly gorgeous. e were surprised by a pod of little spinner dolphins and babies. "What a morning!" (that was the line of the trip every day haha). In a matter of 4 hours we swam with dolphins, surfed and then swam with the sharks and rays at the sandbar. 

I will forever be greatful for this trip. The way the ocean has inspired me, I want everyone to feel that! These animals are beautiful! When we are in the ocean we are in their home, and they deserve respect. When we let them be, and observe and act mindfully then there is no need to fear. Instead, without doubt- it will teach you something within. Thankyou mother nature and thankyou God. x

So grateful for my friendship with this girl and for her capturing these cherished moments. Checkout her work, you won't regret it x